Saturday, August 21, 2010

A comment on nokia story on CNN

1st, Nokia says: "The Saharkhiz lawsuit is brought in the wrong place, against the wrong party and on the wrong premise."

And: "-they are seeking to blame Nokia Siemens Networks for the acts of the Iranian authorities by filing a lawsuit in the U.S., a country that has absolutely no connection to the issue they are raising."

Then by the end of the story they have this to say: "However, he acknowledged that his company miscalculated when it came to providing monitoring centers to Iran."

and then; "We halted all work related to monitoring centers in Iran in 2009, including service and support," French said, according to a statement distributed by his company's press office. "We believe we should have understood the issues in Iran better in advance and addressed them more proactively."

Kinda seems to me they cut their own throat right there in regards to a lawsuit. Actions speak louder than words and those are both the words and actions of someone who realizes they are in the wrong and seeking to turn over a new leaf.

Kinda like accusing a hit and run driver that denies culpability and then they point out that they realized they hit someone but it's cool now because they just bought insurance and took a defensive driving course. 

Posted via email from Onlymehdi

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